Total Life Changes is a network marketing company that provides health and beauty products to millions of people worldwide.

It’s been great fun working with this company over the years. The team took their old logo, and brought it into the 21st century, establishing colors and an icon that convey to their customers that with TLC, you can be the best version of yourself. We expanded this visual identity into their beautiful website that features all of their life changing products. Once we completed that project, we began to re-brand all of the products & packaging. We’ve provided every service you can imagine, from video production, design, marketing & social media management, animation, concepting, and so much more. And the results? We grew their social media presence by 200% in only a matter of months, we increased engagement at their events, and we created amazing content for their customers and reps to share to, in turn, grow their businesses.

Scroll down to see a brief sample of some of the work we provided for them. If you’re interested in seeing more, get in touch with us!



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